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22.03.2023 1066

What's the loot: Broodkeeper Diurna – Does the VOTI penultimate boss drop any good items?

Broodkeeper Diurna is the second to last boss in the Vault of the Incarnates, the Dragonflight's first raid. Diurna is a hell of a boss so don't expect it to be an easy fight – but the rewards are well worth it! In this blog post we'll tell you all about the loot this dragonkin drops in all the difficulties of VOTI. The item levels are the same as for Raszageth, the final boss: 398 for Normal, 411 for Heroic, and 424 for Mythic. Those are the highest item levels in the raid and you're likely to have no better alternatives to your slots, especially if you're a dedicated raider. We've divided all these rewards into several bigger groups to make it easier for you to navigate them: tokens (set items), weapons, armor, jewelry (rings, neck), trinkets, profession recipes, other profession-related stuff, and miscellaneous (didn't fit in any other group). Enjoy!


How many total: 4.

Broodkeeper Diurna has 4 highly sought after tokens that are used to purchase the Primalist set's shoulder item. There are 4 tokens total each of which has 3 or 4 classes assigned to them. Here's what it looks like:

  • Dreadful Lapis Forgestone (classes: death knight, demon hunter, warlock)
  • Mystic Lapis Forgestone (classes: druid, hunter, mage)
  • Venerated Lapis Forgestone (classes: paladin, priest, shaman)
  • Zenith Lapis Forgestone (classes: evoker, monk, rogue, warrior)
So if you're a death knight, you'll have to compete for your shoulder token not only with other DK's but also with demon hunters and warlocks. The item level of the shoulder piece depends on the difficulty: in Normal it's 398, in Heroic – 411, and in Mythic – 424. These tokens can be found in all difficulties, including the raid finer where the item level of the item is 385. The set bonuses will work the same for all of those versions but the stats will differ. And as for the visuals, here's what those shoulder pads looks like:

Dreadful Lapis Forgestone token ↑

Mystic Lapis Forgestone token ↑

Venerated Lapis Forgestone ↑

 Zenith Lapis Forgestone ↑

Get the full set sooner

Getting a token for the shoulder slot is great but there are many more other slots to fill with set pieces. And they are the most powerful items in the game! Check out our Gearing services to learn more about how you can get these items sooner!


How many total: 3.

The Broodkeeper has 3 weapons to share with adventurers. They will be of interest to rogues, evokers, and shield-wielding specs. To be more precise, here are the weapons that are contained in the boss' loot table:

  • Broodsworn Legionnaire's Pavise (Strength / Intellect shield)
  • Kharnalex, the First Light (Evoker-only staff)
  • Ornamental Drakonid Claw (Agility dagger)
Boodsworn Legionnaire's Pavise

Good for: Paladin (holy, protection), Shaman (elemental, restoration), Warrior (protection).
Drop chance: 17%.

A decent shield that switches its primary stat from strength to intellect depending on your spec. The strength bonus is for tanks: protection paladins and warriors. While the intellect bonus is for healers (holy paladins and restoration shamans) and DPS casters (elemental shamans). It also adds a good amount of stamina, haste, and mastery. A worthy upgrade for anyone who's into shields but nothing extraordinary.

Kharnalex, the First Light

Exclusive for: Evoker.
Drop chance: 21%.

Now this is interesting. Class-unique items are not very frequent these days and this one is a good example of how unique they can be. Only evokers can wield this staff. Although both specs can use it, devastation evokers will find it more beneficial since it has an active damage dealing ability tied to it.

The stats are, obviously, intellect, stamina, haste, and mastery. But what makes it stand out is an on-use effect: you deal arcane damage over 3 seconds to a target, based on your current Versatility value. So the higher your Versatility is, the more damage you will do. The cooldown is 3 minutes so consider it a sort of a mana-free DPS burst. This effect can benefit from Master: Giantkiller too.

Ornamental drakonid claw

Good for: Rogue (assassination, subtlety).
Drop chance: 16%.

This is a fast-hitting dagger with a pleasant Agility boost. It also offers lovely haste and versatility increases. Basically, just what most rogues need. Unfortunately, it has no sockets or additional effects, but it's still a solid upgrade if you happen to obtain it.


How many total: 4.

The Broodkeeper is generous enough to offer 4 items of different armor types to whoever manages to slay it! Here are the armor pieces in question:

  • Eggtender's safety mitts (cloth hands)
  • Loyal flametender's bracers (leather wrists)
  • Matriarch's opulent girdle (plate waist)
  • Tassets of the Tarasek legion (mail legs)

Eggtender's safety mitts

Armor type: cloth
Slot: hands
Drop chance: 17%.

A nice pair of gloves for cloth-wearing casters of all kinds: mages, priests, and warlocks. The stats include bonuses for intellect, stamina, critical strike, and mastery.

Loyal flametender's bracers

Armor type: leather.
Slot: wrists.
Drop chance: 17%.

A lovely couple of bracers for all specs of leather-using classes. That includes demon hunters, druids, monks, and rogues. The main stat is either agility or intellect depending on your spec. Secondary stats include stamina, critical strike, and mastery.

Matriarch's opulent girdle

Armor type: plate.
Slot: waist.
Drop chance: 17%.

A massive belt for your plate-using characters: death knights, paladins, and warriors! The main stat is strength but it switches to intellect for holy paladins. Secondary stats are: stamina, versatility, and mastery. It's a nice upgrade although not a game-changing one.

Tassets of the Tarasek legion

Armor type: mail.
Slot: legs.
Drop chance: 17%.

Here's a nice set of pants for you, mail-wearers! Evokers, hunters, and shamans will enjoy this new item as it provides them with agility / intellect for the primary stat and such secondary stats as: stamina, haste, and mastery.


How many total: 1.

Diurna has only one jewelry item and that's the equip-unique ring Seal of Filial Duty. Here's some more info about it.

Seal of Filial Duty

Slot: finger.
Good for: tanks, casters.
Drop chance: 9%.

Only one such item can be used at once for one character. It's a pretty peculiar ring that encourages you to deal fire damage to randomly give you a 6-second shield. The shield itself benefits tanks mostly so they can get this ring for it. However, the stats are really attractive for casters: lots of haste and mastery as secondary stats for them to enjoy. The primary stat is stamina which is nothing special but still.


How many total: 2.

There are 2 trinkets in the Broodkeeper's loot table and both of them are worthy of your attention! Those trinkets are:

  • Broodkeeper's Promise
  • Manic Grieftorch

Broodkeeper's Promise

Good for: healers.
Drop chance: 20%.

This trinket has a quite peculiar on-use effect. You target another player and become their "guardian" for an entire hour. What that means is that you both get a versatility bonus (+76) and restore health over time (+594 per second). These bonuses get increased if you stand next to each other. The effect ONLY works for healer sepcializations. Also, as some community members have pointed out, if you choose another healer to guard, you're not likely to get the promised proximity-based bonus increase.

Manic Grieftorch

Good for: great for hunters, also good for all other agility- or strength-based DPS specs.
Drop chance: 20%.

The Grieftorch gives you a lovely agility / strength bonus (depends on your spec) and an on-use effect. You can activate it to channel fire damage to a target for 2 seconds. The damage scales off your versatility. There's also a chance to spread that damage to enemies nearby your target. Also, the cooldown of the trinket gets reduces by 90 seconds each time an ally dies. The full cooldown lasts 2 minutes so that's 3/4 of that time. Naturally, not many agility- or strength-based DPS specs can deal damage from afar with hunters being the only obvious exception. Hence channelling damage to a target might be a very good addition to their rotation.

Profession recipes

How many total: 13.

There are lots and lots of profession recipes that you can get after the battle with Diurna. 6 crafting professions have chances to get something for their collection and here's the full list of those recipes:

  1. Alchemy:  Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power
  2. Alchemy:  Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor
  3. Blacksmithing:  Plans: Allied Chestplate of Generosity
  4. Blacksmithing:  Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship
  5. Engineering:  Schematic: Ol' Smoky
  6. Jewelcrafting:  Design: Choker of Shielding
  7. Leatherworking:  Pattern: Old Spirit's Wristwraps
  8. Leatherworking:  Pattern: Scale Rein Grips
  9. Leatherworking:  Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks
  10. Leatherworking:  Pattern: Wind Spirit's Lasso
  11. Tailoring:  Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
  12. Tailoring:  Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles
  13. Tailoring:  Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings

(Alchemy) Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power

Drops in: Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 1%.

This codex teaches you to create a powerful potion that increases your primary stat by 670 for 30 seconds. The potion is called "Elemental potion of ultimate power". It can become a very handsome power-up for damage bursts during boss fights! To create tat potion you need such reagents as Primal Chaos, Awakened Order, Elemental Potion of Power. Optionally, for further power-ups you can add Alchemist Catalyst and Illustrious Insight.

(Alchemy) Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 0.5%.

This powerful potion makes your Dragon Isles potions last 50% longer. It also adds Unique-equipped: Embellished (2). It's quite rare in terms of drop but is also quite powerful with its bonuses. To craft this inhibitor you need these things: Hochenblume (20), Saxifrage (10), Bubble Poppy (10), and Primal Converent (4). Optional mat is Lesser Illustrious Insight.

(Blacksmithing) Plans: Allied Chestplate of Generosity

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 0.7%.

Learn to create this powerful plate chest piece. It's quite versatile: you can use it for tanks, healers, and DPS as it changes its main stat from strength to intellect and vice versa as you switch among your specs. As for other stats, it gives you stamina, versatility, and mastery. And there's also a special on-equip effect: you get a random chance to boost versatility (+138) for your 4 closest allies and yourself for 10 seconds. The item level of the Allied Chestplate of Generosity starts with 350, it's an epic item. The reagents you'll need to craft it are: Spark of Ingenuity, Primal Chaos x50, and Centaur's Trophy Necklace.

(Blacksmithing) Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: 0.5%.

With the help of this recipe you'll teach your character to craft this pair of plate bracers. They are good for all specs as their primary stat changes from intellect to strength depending on the active spec. Its secondary stats are stamina, critical srike, and haste. These bracers also increase your versatility (+25) for every teammate within 30 yards. This effect stacks up to 4 times, hence you can get +100 versatility in a full party. To craft this item you'll need Spark of Ingenuity, Primal Chaos x30, and Centaur's Trophy Necklace. The minimum item level is 350 and the item is of the epic quality.

(Engineering) Schematic: Ol' Smoky

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: about 1%.

Ol' Smoky is a damn good gun, y'all! It's a perfect weapon for a hunter who prefers shooting with style. The gun is epic and its minimum item level is 350. It gives you agility and stamina as well as 2 random stats (+252 each). To craft it you're going to need 2 Sparks of Ingenuity and 160 Primal Chaos pieces.

Boost your professions!

To make use of all these awesome recipes you need to level up your profession first. It won't be fast and easy so brace yourself and start grinding! Or just let pros do that for you! See our Profession boosts to learn more about our solutions!

(Jewelcrafting) Design: Choker of Shielding

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 1%.

Here's a lovely neck piece that you can craft if you're into jewelcrafting. The Choker of Shielding grants you stamina and 2 random stats (+301 each). It also has an on-use effect that gets you a 10-second shield that absorbs 10'434 damage per socketed gem. Their stats are diminished by 22 while the shield is active. So it looks like a great necklace for tanks. To craft it you need Spark of Ingenuity and Primal Chaos x30.

(Leatherworking) Pattern: Old Spirit's Wristwraps

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 1%.

A great leather epic wrist piece. Its primary stat is either agility or intellect (+145), depending on your spec. It also gives you lovely boosts in stamina, critical strike, and mastery. It's also a part of a craftable mini-set "Playful Spirit's Fur". It has a 2-piece bonus that inflicts frost damage to your targets in a random way. To craft these bracers you'll need to collect: Spark of Ingenuity, Primal Chaos x30, and Rockfang Leather x10.

(Leatherworking) Pattern: Scale Rein Grips

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: about 1%.

It's a pair of mail epic gloves. It can be used by all specs as it changes its primary stat from agility to intellect. It also gives you increase in stamina, critical strike, and haste. Moreover, it's a part of a 3-piece set "Horizon Strider's Garments". It's a craftable one and its bonus activates as you've collected 2 items: you get a haste bonus for 10 seconds after dealing critical damage / healing. This effect is random and it stacks up to 5 times.

(Leatherworking) Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 1%.

Here's a lovely leather belt for leatherworkers to make. Get decent boosts in agility / intellect, stamina, critical strike, and haste. It's also a part of the Playful Spirit's Fur craftable set that lets you deal extra frost damage to your targets. The reagents required for this belt are: spark of ingenuity x1, primal chaos x40, and salamanther scales x10.

(Leatherworking) Pattern: Wind Spirit's Lasso

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 1%.

This is a mail epic waist piece. It gets you pluses for agility / intellect, stamina, haste, and mastery. It's also a part of the Horizon Strider's Garments that you can fully craft. It gets you a random chance for a haste bonus after dealing critical hit. To create it you\ll need Spark of Ingenuity, Primal Chaos x40, and Awakened Air x10.

(Tailoring) Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: about 1%.

Here's a nice pair of cloth bracers. Get a stat bonus for intellect, stamina, versatility, and mastery. There's also a special on-equip effect that gives you a random chance to increase your Versatility by 138 for 10 seconds after using your spells and abilities. To craft it, you'll need Spark of Ingenuity, Primal Chaos x30, and Centaur's Trophy Necklace.

(Tailoring) Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles

Drops in: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
Drop chance: about 1%.

Make this great pair of cloth shoes yourself! It grants you additional intellect, stamina, versatility, and mastery. You also get a special effect that increases your intellect (by 126) every 2 seconds of your moving. So if you just run somewhere for 2 seconds, you get an increase in Intellect. And it can be stacked up to 5 times. Casting a spell consumes all stacks of extra intellect. The required reagents are: spark of ingenuity, primal chaos x40, and frosty soul.

(Tailoring) Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: about 1%.

This is an optional crafting reagent that can enhance your crafted item. It gives +35 to the recipe difficulty and provides the property of spells causing "a ripple in time". It also makes an item embellished. To craft this thing you'll need Spool of Wilderthread x15 and a Chronocloth Belt.

Other profession-related stuff

How many total: 4.

Here are some more items that are of interest to enthusiasts of various professions in WoW.

  1. Bottled Essence
  2. Dragon Shard of Knowledge
  3. Primal Chaos
  4. Primal Focus / Concentrated Primal Focus

Bottled Essence

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: about 1%.

The essence is very important for crafters of all sorts. With the help of it you can obtain the Spark of Ingenuity which is one of the essential crafting reagents in Dragonflight when it comes to creating powerful armor.

Dragon Shard of Knowledge

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: 5%.

This item is important for your progress with professions. You can turn it in to Master Artisan Khadin (a centaur in Ohn'ahran Plains in the Dragon Isles. Doing that will yield you 50 pieces of Artisan Mettle that you can further use for crafting. You will also get +1 Dragon Isles Knowledge along with that.

Primal Chaos

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: 82%.

Another very important multi-purpose crafting material. The chaos is also very important for gear-creating.

Primal Focus / Concentrated Primal Focuse

Drops in: Heroic / Mythic.
Drop chance: 67% / 80%.

The regular Primal Focus is a crafting reagent that drops from every Heroic boss in VOTI as well as comes as a reward from Mythic+ dungeon in the span of +11 – +15. It can be combined with Primal Chaos for Primal Infusion which is a very important part of crafting high-end stuff. The concentrated version is even better and it only comes from the Mythic version of the raid. Combining it with Primal Chaos will make a Concentrated Primal Infusion which will let you create insanely powerful items.


How many total: 3.

Finally, there are some more sundry items of interest for you to find in Diurna's loot table. Here's what they are exactly:

  1. Ancient Vault Artifact
  2. Enlightened Renascence
  3. Shard of the Greatstaff

Ancient Vault Artifact

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: 54%.

With the help of this artifact you can improve your reputation with the Dragonscale Expedition faction. Turning in 5 of these artifacts, gives you 150 rep and 50 Dragon Isles Supplies. The person to give them to is Lillian Brightmoon in Valdrakken.

Enlightened Renascence

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: 19%.

This is a powerful type of Renascence that gives you a decent progress bar boost for the weekly quest Revival Catalyst. The quest lets your characters convert their items into VOTI tier pieces. There are other types of renascences that give less progress so look out for this one!

Shard of the Greatstaff

Drops in: All difficulties.
Drop chance: varies for different difficulties but is usually high.

If you want to get access to the VOTI raid shortcut and get straight to Diurna after Terros, you need to collect 3 Shards of the Greatstaff. Each difficulty has their own version of it and they don't stack. Say, you have 2 such shards from Normal and 1 from Heroic – sorry, it won't work. You need to have 3 of them from one difficulty.


Phew, that was quite a list! But we're finally though with it and now it's safe to say that we know all about Diurna's loot. It's a big thing since the Broodkeeper is the second hardest boss in the game right now and having a clear idea of what it can drop to you is important.

And if you need help with obtaining any of those items, feel free to request some aid from us! After all, we have an entire category of services dedicated entirely to the Vault of the Incarnates raid! Check it out! Or get in touch with us directly to request the help you need with it right now!

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