Liberation of Undermine lies through the defeat of Chrome King Gallywix! This is the main formula of The War Within's Season 2 for raiders since Gallywix is going to be the biggest obstacle on their way to finish the current main PvE activity.
The mighty and... well, massive Chrome King is not going to give in to anyone easily. He has a vast arsenal of gizmos and tricks to catch you unawares with. But the rewards that you get for bringing him down are well worth it. So in this brief article let's take a look at what the notorious Big G has to offer.
1. A mastery Trinket
Item name: Eye of Kezan
Description: This is one of the 2 trinkets that this greedy boss tried to hide from the world in the inside pocket of his luxurious jacket. It gives you tons of Mastery and can increase your primary stat up to 20 times while you're in combat. You earn the stacks by just casting spells and using abilities. When you reach the maximum number of stacks, the trinket also starts dealing Fire damage to enemies nearby or healing allies. The stacks quickly expire once you've stopped fighting.
Why we love it: It's always great to have a trinket that makes any wielder stronger without any compromise, regardless of their role. This is a case of exactly that. Whoever gets it, is lucky to have it and will find it quite useful.
2. A gear-update crest
Item name: Undermine Crest (4 types of it: Weathered, Carved, Runed, or Gilded)
Description: Depending on the difficulty, you get one of the 4 versions of the crest upon finishing Gallywix. What they have in common is that they all raise items' levels. What makes them different is the types of items you can apply them to and the maximum item level you can achieve with them.
There are no surprises here, however: if you get a crest in the LFR version of the LOU raid, you'll find it quite obvious that you can't power up an item with it in the same manner as with a crest from the Mythic raid. Here's more info about each of the crests:
Weathered | LFR | Adventure & Veteran gear | 632 |
Carved | Normal | Veteran & Champion gear | 645 |
Runed | Heroic | Champion & Hero gear | 658 |
Gilded | Mythic | Hero & Myth gear | 662+ |
Why we love it: Crests make up for bad luck big time. Even if you haven't received any item upgrade during the raid run, you still get crests that you can use for that. While it's true that Gallywix isn't the only source of them, it's still a great drop.
Item name: Chromebustible Bomb Suit
Description: Unlike the other trinket, Eye of Kezan, this one has a particular role that it appeals to – tanks. What they can get with it is lots of Haste as well as a very interesting active effect. When you activate the trinket, you get a solid shield reducing incoming damage by 75% or until a certain amount of damage has been absorbed. The shield lasts for 20 seconds unless the latter condition is reached. Upon expiration the shield explodes inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies.
Why we love it: This is just an ultimate tank gizmo. It first absorbs damage from your enemies and then strikes them back. What more can a tank dream of?
4. A couple of flying mounts
Items' names: The Big G, Prorotype A.S.M.R.
Description: There are 2 mounts you can get from Gallywix: The Big G (Mythic only) and the Prototype A.S.M.R. (any difficulty). The former has a guaranteed drop – but the trick is that you have to accomplish it in the Mythic mode which isn't something every player will be able to do until the next expansion or later. The latter is absolutely random and you can get lucky even in the LFR mode, so it's worth defeating the boss in all of them weekly, if this mount is what you're after.
Why we love it: The Big G is a goblin dream come true: it's a massive vanity item with guns made to show how cool, powerful, and rich you are. Is there any other mount that matches that? As for the Prototype A.S.M.R., it does what you'd expect it to do, considering its name: it makes all kinds of enjoyable sounds while you're using it. While it looks might not be unique, this feature certainly is!
Bring Gallywix down today!
It's much easier to do than you think! Choose any difficulty and finish the Big G today with our Gallywix Kill boost service – check it out! Good company of professional carries and chance for great loot, including the items discussed in this blog post!
5. A desirable Enchanting Formula
Item name: Formula: Enchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths
Description: This is a second powerful enchanting that we get from the last raid boss in this expansion. It lets you create a power-up for weapons called Authority of the Depths. Hitting an enemy with a weapon enhanced with it has a chance to apply a damage-on-time effect called Suffocating Darkness. The damage it deals is quite decent but what's even better, it stacks up to 3 times.
Why we love it: This effect looks like a massive upgrade for any character relying on weapons for damage. The formula might prove to be very lucrative for any enchanter, so if it's your trade, don't miss it!
What else does Gallywix drop?
The list above is our personal top-5. Hence, of course, it doesn't include all the items that this nasty goblin drops. To give you a better idea of Gallywix' loot, we've collected all the possible drops in the table below, take a look:
1 | Capital Punisher | 2-Hand Mace |
2 | Chromebustible Bomb Suit | Trinket (Tank) |
3 | Cutthroat Competition Stompers | Plate Feet |
4 | Darkfuse Racketeer's Tricorne | Leather Head |
5 | Dealer's Covetous Chain | Mail Waist |
6 | Deep-Pocketed Pantaloons | Mail Legs |
7 | Excessively Bejeweled Curio | Reagent |
8 | Eye of Kezan | Trinket (Mastery) |
9 | Fomula: Enchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths | Enchanting Recipe |
10 | Gallywix's Iron Thumb | 1-Hand Mace |
11 | Golden Handshakers | Cloth Hands |
12 | Illicit Bankroll Bracers | Cloth Wrist |
13 | Keys to The Big G | Flying Mount |
14 | Paydirt Pauldrons | Plate Shoulder |
15 | Prototype A.S.M.R. | Flying Mount |
16 | Streamlined Cartel Uniform | Leather Chest |
17 | The Jastor Diamond | Ring |
18 | Titan of Industry | Shield |
19 | Update Crest | Gear Update |
All the armor that you get from Gallywix is not a part of the tier's set. Of the 19 items listed above only 1 is exclusive to the Mythic mode – #13: Keys to The Big G. It's a regular thing: a Mythic-only mount from the raid's last boss. Also note that #19 (Update Crest) is different for each difficulty.
Ready for some real raiding?
How about a Heroic raid run tonight? We can help you get a great team and finish the run without wipes and other issues! See our Liberation of Undermine Heroic boost and book a spot in a team today!
So those were all the items you can get from Gallywix and our personal top-5 of them! If you need any help with defeating the main boss of the Liberation of Undermine raid, don't hesitate to get in touch with us or order our services right here on the website! We'll be always happy to help you, whether it's just a single boss or a full raid run! We have various loot trading options so you can be sure that you won't leave the raid empty-handed! Browse our catalog or message us to learn more!