Nukes, nukes, nukes. Who wouldn't want to just end the match at once with a powerful explosion that annihilates everyone? Well, let's be honest, while it sounds cool, it's not everyone's dream. But you definitely should try launching a nuke at least once in Call of Duty! Learn all about how you do it in our handy guide right below!
What is a nuke in COD BO6?
A nuke is exactly what you expect it to be: it's a powerful ability that launches a literal nuclear bomb to the map, eliminating all players, including the one who's activated it (but their team wins). Basically, it wins the lobby for you in seconds – to be more precise, 5 seconds, as you'll have a literal countdown till the strike reaches the surface. Once it touches the ground, that's it: a blinding blast, your character's body is burning, the darkness starts surrounding you, then a black screen appears with silence in the background, and after a short delay your victory is announced. Take a look (video by Circle P Tactical):

Yeah, that sounds a bit grimmer than most players would hope. But kudos to the developers here – they decided to show how horrible it is to actually launch a nuclear weapon, not what a great idea it is. Yet you still get your win, despite your character obviously dying. But it doesn't really matter that much: if it helps you win your game sooner, you shouldn't avoid using a nuke if you ever get the chance. But how do you actually get it?
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How do you get a nuke in Black Ops 6?
Nukes are available in 2 different modes: the regular mltiplayer and the Zombies. The former is harder to pull, the latter is much more random. Let's take a closer look at each.
Getting a nuke in the Multiplayer
The goal is straightforward: make 30 eliminations without dying. Only the elims made with your weapons and tactical gear count – kills with scorestreak bonuses don't. So no Chopper Gunner, no Hellstorm, Watchdog Helo, and other fun gizmos. Just you and your guns. It's a pretty hard thing to achieve but there are ways to make it a bit easier and we'll tell you more about them a bit later.
Getting a nuke in the Zombies
You don't have to deliver any particular number of kills in the Zombies mode to get a nuke. What you need is (lots of) luck: nukes just drop randomly from zombies. Of course, you won't see them often as they are very rare and valuable. But whenever you'll be in luck to witness one drop, you'll also see a bomb symbol in the minimap. Run up to it to activate it. Unlike in the Multiplayer, it won't end the match: instead it will evaporate most zombies around you, excluding elite monsters (like the Mangle) who'll still get lots of damage and become easier to finish off. So that's it, pure luck and fun, just like it usually is in the Zombies mode.
What's the best way to receive a nuke in COD BO6?
We'll focus on the Multiplayer nuke from now on since, as you now know, the Zombies one is simply a random fun item. But those 30 kills you have to make in the Multiplayer... Yeah, that's different and that's tough. So how do you go about it if you really want that huge bomb to go KA-BOOM?
There's no way to raise your chances of receiving a nuke on your own. You need at least a team of friends for easier communication. So gather your buddies and let them know what your intention is.
Then discuss which multiplayer mode you should use. We'd say that the Infested mode is the best as it pits you against other players but in the form of zombies. Expectedly, it makes the task easier as you have a better arsenal.
Then think of a map you need for such a long kill streak. It should have narrow or just closed areas and convenient cover spots. How about Subsonic or Vorkuta? We'd consider them.
Now you're good to go. Just bear in mind that you are not guaranteed to start an Infested match as a human. Your team might be unlucky enough to start as zombies. You can just quit such a lobby and start a new one. Do that until you start as humans. Then just find a good position to defend – a rooftop or some interior location will be perfect. Your friends should be ready to cover you from whatever comes – good communication is key here.
How about a Bot Lobby?
It's the best way to get any number of kills! Our players will just stand there doing nothing – an easy prey! And an easy nuclear bomb! Check out our COD BO6 Bot Lobby service to learn more!
What cards & challenges are related to nukes in Black Ops 6?
There are 3 calling cards related to nukes in COD BO6 as of January 2025:
- Nuclear Killer
- Nuked Out
- Very Nuclear
Let's look at each of them.
Nuclear Killer
Just earn a nuke for it. That is, do 30 eliminations without dying and with your weapons and tactical gear only.
Nuked Out
Earn a nuclear strike in the Free For All mode (FFA) without using scorestreak bonuses. You already know that it's not going to be simple. It's advisable to stay closer to the border of the map to at least not have enemies shooting at you from all directions. The fewer convenient trajectories of shooting your opponents have, the better.
Very Nuclear
For this one you need to earn a nuclear weapon with 25 different weapons. And you can't change your weapon before you get it: all the 30 kills must be done with just one within 1 match. Well, earning one nuke is already an achievement enough for most players, but 25... You must be really fond of massive explosions to go for this one!
That's all you need to know about nuclear strikes in Call of Duty Black Ops 6! If you think you need some help with getting one, you can rely on us! We can get you a skillful pro player to do it for you or a bot lobby to let you earn 30 kills easily! Check out our COD BO6 services or get in touch with us to learn more or request any form of assistance in the game!