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How to get Mew in Pokemon Go? A Brief Guide from ArmadaBoost

Some might say that Mew isn't up there in the top of its type, hence it's not good enough and shouldn't be used. That's a misconception. While Mew might look like a lightweight fragile creature, what's inside its tiny body is an annihilation machine that is quite formidable if used appropriately.

In this brief and sweet blog post we'll discover what Mew is, what its skills are, and – most importantly – how you can get yourself one.

What is Mew like in Pokemon Go?

Mew is a mythical Pokemon from the Kanto region. Mythical means very rare, elusive, barely every obtainable. That's what it's always been in most games of the series... luckily, not quite so in Go. There you need to complete a lengthy quest line which might have its challenging parts but in general isn't something completely off the wall – we'll talk about it later in more detail.

As for the Pokemon itself, Mew is a Psychic-type fighter with an impressively extensive list of skills (more on that below). While it's certainly a strong Pokemon that is very hard to beat if used correctly, it's rarely seen at the top of meta rankings. The gamut of Psychic Pokemon is quite wide, especially when it comes to high-end options, which makes the competition there severe. In that context Mew isn't often favored over such popular picks as Latios, Latias, Gardevoir, and, most ironically, Mew's own clone, Mewtwo. As of early February 2025, Mew is the 59th recommended Psychic pick on Pokemon Go Hub's ranking which might not be jaw-dropping but is still quite solid.

However, it doesn't prevent Mew from defeating the likes of Mewtwo. Take a look at how you can beat Mewtwo with a Mew (a video by Ulragoo):

Yet if you're not convinced and you don't think that it's worth the effort as a combat unit (which we wouldn't agree with but still), you might ponder its collection value. Mew was the last Kanto Pokemon to be released and it's absolutely not the easiest one of them to get. Granted, it's not harder to get than Mewtwo – due to how rarely Mewtwo appears in the game these days – but it's still a serious achievement and a necessary step towards the 151-Pokemon complete Kanto Pokedex and the related platinum medal.

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What stats does it have?

Base stats make it clear that Mew isn't just about punching its opponents in the face. It's a well-balanced team member who can be used for various purposes:
Combat stats are consistent with the story told by the base stats:
CP Range40 – 3'265 (3'307 at 40 Lvl)
CP at 50 Lvl3'691 (3'735)
HP Range 21 – 189 (190 at 40 Lvl)
HP at 50 Lvl201 (202)

What abilities does it have?

We've already mentioned that Mew's skillset is unusually large. For example, it has as many as 14 Fast Attacks and they come in all types imaginable:

Charge BeamElectric7 / 5
CutNormal5-10 / 3
Dragon TailDragon14 / 13
Frost BreathIce11 / 7
InfestationBug9 / 6
Poison JabPoison13 / 7
PoundNormal6-12 / 4
Rock SmashFighting11-17 / 9
Shadow ClawGhost6-12 / 6
SnarlDark11 / 5
Steel WingSteel14 / 7
Struggle BugBug10-15 / 9
Volt SwitchElectric9-13 / 12
WaterfallWater13 / 12
What is that motley crew of an arsenal? Bug, electric, even dragon skills? Is this even a Psychic Pokemon? Well, it has a couple of Psychic abilities among its Charged Attacks, so it should be alright. However, since it can choose among the astounding 25 skills of this kind, you can avoid using any Psychic spells altogether. Let's see what Mew has:

Ancient PowerRock20-70 / 60
BlizzardIce43-130 / 140
BulldozeGround23-80 / 45
Dark PulseDark27-80 / 80
Dazzling GleamFairy29-100 / 110
Dragon ClawDragon30-45 / 50
Energy BallGrass23-90 / 90
Flame ChargeFire18-70 / 65
Flash CannonSteel40-100 / 110
Focus BlastFighting40-140 / 150
Grass KnotGrass36-90 / 90
Gyro BallSteel24-85 / 80
Hyper BeamNormal38-150 / 150
Ice BeamIce27-95 / 90
Low SweepFighting20-40 / 40
OverheatFire40-160 / 130
PsychicPsychic32-95 / 75
PsyshockPsychic24-60 / 70
Rock SlideRock30-75 / 65
Solar BeamGrass36-180 / 150
Stone EdgeRock42-105 / 100
SurfWater40-60 / 75
ThunderElectric40-100 / 100
ThunderboltElectric32-80 / 90
Wild ChargeElectric36-90 / 100
With all that wealth you can build Mew however you want. It's basically a jack of all trades and while it might not excel in one field, it boats the flexibility that few other Pokemon come close to.

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How do you get Mew in Pokemon Go?

There's currently one way to get Mew: you need to complete a special research named "A Mythical Discovery". It's an 8-part quest line which culminates in an encounter with Mew during which you can catch it. Let's take a closer look at all the steps.

First, here's a table with the most important information about each step of the research for your convenience:

  • Spin 5 PokeStops / Gyms
  • Catch 10 Pokemon
  • Transfer 5 Pokemon
  • Great Ball x10
  • Incubator x1
  • Lure Module x3
  • Earn 2 Candies walking with your buddy Pokemon
  • Make 10 Great Throws
  • Hatch 3 Eggs
  • Great Ball x20
  • Incense x3
  • Stardust x2'000
  • Reach 15 Level
  • Battle in 2 Raids
  • Battle in a Gym 2 times
  • Charged TM x1
  • Fast TM x1
  • Star Piece x2
  • Earn a silver Kanto Medal
  • Evolve 20 Pokemon
  • Earn 5 Candies walking with your buddy Pokemon
  • Great Ball x20
  • Lure Module x3
  • Stardust x4'000
  • Catch a Ditto
  • Catch 10 Ghost-type Pokemon
  • Make 20 Great Throws
  • Lucky Egg x1
  • Premium Raid Pass x1
  • Revive x15
  • Reach 25 Level
  • Evolve a Magikarp
  • Battle in 10 Raids
  • Access to the Special Research "Ripple in Time"
  • Incense x3
  • Rare Candy x5
  • Stardust x6'000
  • Use 50 Berries to help catch Pokemon
  • Earn a gold Kanto medal
  • Make an Excellent Curveball Throw
  • Stardust x8'000
  • Ultra Ball x20
  • Catch Mew
  • Mew

Step 1-4

These steps are a piece of cake. There's one thing, however, that you should consider: use a Magikarp as the buddy Pokemon while earning candies. Not only has it a low distance requirement for a candy, but also you'll need Magikarp candies later on in step 6 when you'll be tasked to evolve it.

Step 5

Catch a Ditto... It's not the most positively viewed activity in the game, to put it mildly, as the hunt for Ditto can drive anyone crazy. The problem with it is that Ditto is a shapeshifter. It imitates the appearance of other Pokemon and you can't tell if you've been dealing with a real thing or a Ditto until you've caught it. That's right, you'll have to make lots and lots of blind catches to try obtaining this gooey creature. If you don't know where to look for Dittos, it can quickly become rather depressing, infuriating, and frustrating – all at once! 

Don't worry, there's something you can do to narrow the search. Not by as much as we'd hope for but still. Ditto is known to mainly mimic these species:

  1. Bidoof
  2. Foongus
  3. Gulpin
  4. Hoothoot
  5. Hoppip
  6. Numel
  7. Paras
  8. Remoraid
  9. Spinarak
  10. Whismur
So there you go: go on a catching spree with these 10 Pokemon in areas teeming with them and at some point you'll certainly get lucky. The worst part of this quest is that if you've already caught a Ditto once, it won't count. Only a new catch does.

The rest of the quest is less painful. Performing 20 Great Throws? You'll have plenty of time to practice trying to catch a Ditto. Catching 10 Ghost type Pokemon? Go on a hunt when it's nighttime in the game: 8 PM to 8 AM – and you'll meet Ghost Pokemon much more often.

Here's a video by AlexNexton showing how you can catch a Ditto:

Get a Ditto much faster!

We can help you catch as many Dittos as you need! Luckily, you need just one for this quest, which means that it won't be a problem for us at all to get you just that! Check out our Pokemon Go Ditto Catching Boost to learn more!

Step 6

Level 25 and battling in 10 different raids are nothing special. The third, objective, however, is. It tasks you with evolving a Magikarp. And no, if you've already gone through the pain of doing that before, the fruit of that suffering won't count either. You need to evolve it after getting the quest.

So as you know, Magikarp needs the looney number of 400 candies to become a Gyarados. That's lots of walking around with a Magikarp as a buddy Pokemon. We hope that you've taken our advice and did take it for a walk during the first 4 quests. Make sure to feed it with Pinap Berries to double the candy yield.

Here's a video by Swegles showing how you can evolve the coi Pokemon faster:

Step 7

The penultimate quest tasks you with these things:

  • Catch 50 Pokemon using a berry
  • Make 1 Excellent Curve Throw
  • Earn a gold Kanto medal
None of these is undoable. Catching Pokemon with a berry is easy, earning a gold Kanto medal isn't much harder: you need to catch 100 original Pokemon. It's not that hard considering that the original Pokedex featured 151 of them and you can easily avoid the rarest ones. As for the excellent curve throw... Well, it will be a pain, of course, but you need to succeed with it just once which isn't that bad, so just take your time and practice as much as you need to be confident with excellent and curve throws.

Step 8

This is the step during which you'll get yourself a Mew. You'll have an encounter with it and you'll have all the time in the world to catch it as it won't attempt to escape or any other dirty tricks like that. Just throw as many high-quality balls at it as you need and eventually you'll get what you've come all this way for.


Catching Mew won't be the easiest part of your Pokemon Go experience – that's hard to deny. Mew also won't be the strongest fighter on your team if you already have some top-tier Pokemon – that's also true. But if you want to have this unique and flexible creature in your collection, you should just start working on it!

And if you need any help with that, we can be the team you've been hoping to find! Our professional players can make the Mew hunt much easier for you. If you wish, it can be done for you altogether. Or maybe you need some other help in the game: say, a top up of Stardust or Pokecoins, or a carry team for a raid, or whatnot. We can do it all, browse our dedicated catalog section to explore our Pokemon Go services! Or, alternatively, just chat with us to learn more about what we do or request a custom service!

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