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WoW War Within New Dungeons Guide

It's hard to imagine a new WoW expansion without a whole bunch of new dungeons! It's dungeons where you collect your first high-level gear, learn about some of the most important characters and events of the expansion, and have fun together with your friends!

Today we'll tell you about all the new dungeons added in the War Within expansion! See what challenges await you on many levels of Khaz Algar's landmass!

New Dungeons Overview

Just like most previous expansions, The War Within features 8 new dungeons at the release. They are evenly spread among the 4 new zones, so each of them gets 2. Some of them are available for non-max level characters so you can first experience them during leveling.

The number of bosses varies more notably than before: it used to be 4 bosses for almost every dungeon back in Dragonflight and Shadowlands – now it's not uncommon for a dungeon to have just 3.

4 of the 8 new dungeons will be a part of the first season's Mythic Plus lineup, while the rest will likely be used later in the rotation. Here's the complete list of the dungeons in a handy table:

1Ara-Kara, City of Echoes78Azj-Kahet3
2Cinderbrew Meadery80Isle of Dorn4
3City of Threads80Azj-Kahet4
4Darkflame Cleft80Ringing Deeps4
5Priory of the Sacred Flame75Hallowfall3
6The Dawnbreaker80Hallofall
7The Rookery70Dornogal
8The Stonevault73Ringing Deeps
Here's a map showing the location of them all within Khaz Algar:

Actually here's the full list of the first season's Mythic Plus dungeons for your convenience:

  1. Ara-Kara, City of Echoes (NEW, The War Within)
  2. City of Threads (NEW, The War Within)
  3. Grim Batol (Cataclysm)
  4. Mists of Tirna Scithe (Shadowlands)
  5. Siege of Boralus (Battle for Azeroth)
  6. The Dawnbreaker (NEW, the War Within)
  7. The Necrotic Wake (Shadowlands)
  8. The Stonevault (NEW, The War Within)

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Ara-Kara, City of Echoes

Entrance: central part of the City of Threads, south of Azj-Kahet
Min. level: 78
  1. Avanoxx
  2. Anub'zekt
  3. Ki'katal the Harvester
Ara-Kara is going to be your first major challenge in Azj-Kahet. It's located in the City of Threads, the famous multilayer city of Nerubs. Well, not exactly IN the city but rather BELOW it. Older layers of dwellings eventually become built over with newer ones there. Thus ancient districts end up somewhere deep down. But it doesn't mean that no one lives there anymore. And we'll see what shapes life takes there in this not very long but very culture-rich adventure.

Cinderbrew Meadery

Entrance: the easternmost peninsula of the Isle of Dorn
Min. level: 80
  1. Brew Master Aldryr
  2. Benk Buzzbee
  3. I'pa
  4. Goldie Baronbottom
As you know Earthen are quite similar to Dwarves. And one thing they have in common is that they both always fancy a drink! Mead is the number one choice of most Earthen on the Isle of Dorn. The famous Cinderbrew Meadery used to be the source of the finest Dwarf fuel in this part of the world. But that changed not long ago when the meadery was purchased by the notorious Goblin tycoon Goldie Baronbottom. She changed the formula of the famous drink and now sells mass produced mediocre stuff instead of the glorious mead of old. It pissed the Earthen so much that they are now going to the Meadery with a crusade! And you're invited!

City of Threads

Entrance: northern border of the City of Threads, south of Azj-Kahet
Min. level: 80
  1. Orator Krix'vizk
  2. Fangs of the Queen
  3. The Coaglamation
  4. Izo, the Grand Splicer
Don't get confused: The City of Threads is both the name of this dungeon and the region of Azj-Kahet where you'll find the entrance to the dungeon. While getting through the crowds of hostile spider people, you'll have an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the unique underground megapolis. You'll fight mighty members of the Nerubian nobility in your quest to stop the terrifying practice of turning "worthy" citizens into the so-called Ascended.

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Darkflame Cleft

Entrance: north-eastern Ringing Deeps
Min. level: 80
  1. Ol' Waxbeard
  2. Blazikon
  3. The Candle King
  4. The Darkness
Been missing kobolds? In this mine you'll find quite a bunch of them! Suppressed by the despotic Candle King, poor creatures can't have all the candles they want and have to live a life of slaves in these narrow passages. Liberate this underground nation from their usurper king and figure out if he was the greatest menace lurking in those tunnels... 

Priory of the Sacred Flame

Entrance: Mereldar, southern bank of Hallowfall
Min. level: 75
  1. Captain Dailcry
  2. Baron Braunpyke
  3. Prioress Murrpray
Investigate what's going on in the unwelcoming community of monks of the Sacred Flame priory. The dwellers of the nearby settlements don't feel safe anymore with such a concerning neighbourhood. Are there real reasons for worrying? Well, of course there are – otherwise there would be no dungeon there! Pay a visit to the prioress Murrpray and her deeply religious folk.

The Dawnbreaker

Entrance: south-east of Mereldar, southern bank of Hallowfall
Min. level: 80
  1. Speaker Shadowcrown
  2. Anub'ikkaj
  3. Rasha'nan
The Dawnbreaker is a mighty ship that the Ararthi built to fight against Nerubians. You'd certainly not expect a marine themed dungeon in the underground world but, well... It's complicated. There's a vast underground sea near Hallowfall and building ships to raise your survival chances doesn't sound like a bad idea under such circumstances. Both Nerubians and their allies hate to see new ships being finished though and that's why they attack The Dawnbreaker during its launch. And expectedly, you'll be among the defenders of the ship!

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The Rookery

Entrance: west of the Foundation Hall, east of the Dornogal, the Isle of Dorn
Min. level: 70
  1. Kyrioss
  2. Stormguard Gorren
  3. Voidstone Monstrosity
The Dornogal rookery is the famous stormrook center where younglings are raised and trained. Well brought up birds make all the difference and that's why that place has been particularly defended since its first day of operation. However, something unpredictable happened and a breach of magic occurred right inside the rookery. The magic corrupted the staff and the birds and now you'll have to participate in the culling of it.

The Stonevault

Entrance: The Earthenworks, northern Ringing Deeps
Min. level: 73
  1. E.D.N.A.
  2. Skarmorak
  3. Master Machinists
  4. Void Speaker Eirich
An important leader of the Earthen Machine Speakers has got corrupted by void magic. And it wasn't just him as it turns out that he had quite a lot of followers. Now the Stoneworks facility is a battlezone: half of it is controlled by Eirich's forces. You are to put an end to his insurrction and bring back peace to one of the most important sites of the Earthen. 


So those were all the 8 new dungeons added in the War Within! We hope you'll have an enjoyable experience in all of them! And if you need any help with dungeons in WoW, never hesitate to turn to pros for support! We'll get you a great team of able professionals and together you'll finish any dungeon smoothly and effortlessly! Browse our dungeon carries or just get in touch with us to learn more!

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