Mug'Zee is the last line of defence for Gallywix in the Liberation of Undermine raid. Expectedly, it's going to be a tough task to bring him down. Mug is strong, enduring... and has 2 heads. That's why he's also known as "heads of security"!
In this blog post we'll tell you about 5 items that we find most desirable in this boss' loot table. Note that it's our opinion and it's okay to have yours! That said, let's start with the best loot that Mug'Zee drops!
1. An Intellect Trinket
Item name: Mug's Moxie Jug
Description: An Intellect-enhancing trinket is not what you'd expect to be in the possession of an ogre. Even if it has two heads and seems to be a little smarter than most of its kin.
Yet here we are: Mug's Moxie Jug is exactly what mages, warlocks, and other magic-focused classes need! It provides you with lots of Intellect as well as gives your spells a chance to trigger a buff raising your Critical Strike.
Why we love it: The Crit bonus seems really strong. The buff lasts for 15 seconds which is more than you could wish for a boss fight. What's more, each of your spells cast during the duration of the buff can make your Crit even stronger! The trinket looks incredibly good for any spell-casting class, regardless of whether you deal damage or heal allies.
2. A Haste Necklace
Item name: Godfather's Gifted Bling
Description: The head(s) of security can't help showing off the wealth they accumulated throughout the years of their service to Gallywix! The temptation is strong, we understand. This luxurious necklace is a good example of that. It offers lots of Stamina, Haste, and Mastery.
Why we love it: While it might seem like nothing special, necklaces aren't expected to be game-changing in general anyway. This one just fills the slot with an item with solid stats. And it's useful for basically any class and spec, so if you ever get it, you'll surely make use of it, no matter what your character is.
Item name: Zee's Thug Hotline
Description: Sure enough, each head of security needs to be able to call backup. This thing does exactly that! Not only does it give you a decent bonus for Agility or Strength (depending on the class & spec), but it also randomly summons a goon that emerges to attack your current target. If you have an active effect of Bloodlust or some similar power-up, the goon won't come alone! A whole crew will arrive to punch and kick whoever you're fighting with!
Why we love it: First of all, it's just a brilliant way to create an item representing the personality of its previous wielder – that is, the boss that you get it from. Secondly, the effect seems great, especially the combo option with Bloodlust. Finally, it just gives great useful stats to melee DPS specs.
4. A Jewelcrafting Recipe
Items' names: Design: Magnificent Jeweler's Setting
Description: This design might look familiar to attentive jewelcrafters – and for a good reason! We've already had an opportunity to loot it before from Anub'arash in Nerub-ar Palace. But we'd say it's a good thing that we now have 2 sources of it since it's a very useful thing. Basically it teaches you to create an item called Magnificent Jeweler's Setting. It adds another socket in necklaces and rings. Note that it only applies to non-PvP items.
Why we love it: Despite it not being as unique as most other items dropped from Mug'Zee, we'd say that it's among the most useful ones. Increasing the number of sockets in your jewelry is very important and always in demand. So it's both a way to power up your gear and make some money!
Bring Mug'Zee down today!
If you just want to finish Mug'Zee or any other particular boss without going through the rest of the raid, you can actually do that! Our Liberation of Undermine Single Boss boost provides you just with that – check it out! Guaranteed success, fast completion, chance for awesome loot!
Item name: Tiny Pal
Description: Say hello to Mug'Zee's tiny pal! This is going to be one of the main hunters' weapons until the next raid release and it has everything it needs to qualify for the role: lots of damage, great agility & critical strike bonuses, and a chance to apply a damage-on-time debuff to your targets.
Why we love it: While most Mug'Zee's items have brilliant funny names, this one truly lives up to it. We'd not go as far as to say that it's comically small but it's surely not a match for an ogre's massive body! The design of this shooter is pure goblin engineering too which is always enjoyable to behold. Besides, it's one of the best guns of this content update, so the idea of seeing most hunters wielding tiny friends amuses us.
What else does Mug'Zee drop?
Here's the full list of items that these "heads of security" carry along:
1 | Big Earner's Bludgeon | 1-Hand Mace (Intellect) |
2 | Bullet-Proof Vestplate | Plate Chest |
3 | Capo's Molten Knuckles | Fist Weapon |
4 | Cemented Murloc-Swimmers | Cloth Feet |
5 | Design: Magnificent Jeweler's Setting | Recipe (Jewelcrafting) |
6 | Enforcer's Sticky Fingers | Leather Hands |
7 | Epaulettes of Failed Enforcers | Mail Shoulder |
8 | Godfather's Gifted Bling | Neck |
9 | Hired Muscle's Legguards | Plate Legs |
10 | Hitman's Holster | Leather Waist |
11 | Made Manacles | Mail Wrist |
12 | Mug's Moxie Jug | Trinket (Intellect) |
13 | Storm Spirit | Quest Item |
14 | Tiny Pal | Gun |
15 | Underboss's Tailored Mantle | Cloth Shoulder |
16 | Wiseguy's Refused Offer | 1-Hand Mace (Strength) |
17 | Zee's Thug Hotline | Trinket (Melee DPS) |
18 | Update Crest | Gear Update |
All the 18 items listed above drop on all difficulties. Obviously, the item level and bonuses will be different for each: the higher the difficulty you defeat Mug'Zee at, the better the item.
Ready for some real raiding?
How about a Heroic raid run tonight? We can help you get a great team and finish the run without wipes and other issues! See our Liberation of Undermine Heroic boost and book a spot in a team today!
Now you know all there's to know about Mug'Zee's loot! We hope you'll have lots of fun dealing both with him and the rest of the LOU raid. The developers have managed to make a truly exciting adventure full of funny references and enjoyable activities.
And if you need help with Liberation of Undermine, you can always rely on us! Our professional teams of raiders are exceptionally good at making ogres and other massive hostile objects disappear! And you don't even have to know the tactics! Browse our catalog or get in touch with us to learn more about our raid carries!