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20.03.2024 360

The 4 best features of the ESO Gold Road chapter

The Gold Road is the 2024 chapter of the Elder Scrolls Online story. Just like most chapters before it, it will tell a full-scale epic story with horrible villains and valiant heroes. Obviously, one of those heroes will be your champion so hone your weapons and polish your armor! We're heading to West Weald!..

But not right now, of course, since the new chapter's release date is in summer, just as it always is with ESO content. The precise date is June 3 for PC and June 18 for consoles. So there's some time to prepare. Anyway, here's the announcement trailer for you to enjoy:

In this brief blog post we tell you about the 4 main features of the upcoming chapters to make a little bit more excited for it!


1. Scribing – Make your skills truly yours

Although we don't have all the details we'd love to have to better understand how scribing works, the general idea is quite clear. You can customize your champion's skills to suit your playstyle better. So far it's known that there'll be 3 special slots for upgrades for most of your abilities. You'll be able to add more damage, more healing, or more protection to any of your skills. Also, additional effects can be added like knockback or rooting enemies with your spell.

Veteran Elder Scrolls fans might guess that scribing was inspired by older TES games like Skyrim or Oblivion – and they will be absolutely correct. We'll have to wait though to see how close the new system is to those old ones. But it's certainly a good thing that good systems from single-player games eventually come to ESO. Even if it takes them so many years to do that.

Here's a brief overview of this new system from the devs:

And if you're ready for a more in-depth look, consider checking this video by Arttea too:

2. Skill Styling – Fashion week is back in town

The developers didn't want your skills to be customizable just in terms of how they work. They also wanted you to express your style with the related visuals. So the Gold Road chapter will introduce special rare items that you can collect to unlock "skins" for your spells. As your collection grows, you'll get an opportunity to switch from one style to another for your spells' visuals to match your mood or current outfit.

Although ESO is definitely not a game that lacks customization and is short on items to collect, this is a welcome change. Your champion's spells are what you use all the time. It only makes sense to turn them into another way to make your style statement.

Keep your style top notch

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3. New Zone – West Weald: bears & curses

Weald means "a heavily wooded area", hence it's natural to expect the new zone to feature a thick forest. It's not exactly clear what color palette that wood will have as some promotional screenshots of the area show green pine woods, while others give us a picture of a yellow-red autumn forest. Perhaps it will change throughout the day – depending on the position of the Sun – or has several differently colored subzones, who knows. What is certain is that it will have tons of content as all new zones do.

The main story revolves around West Weald becoming a target of a powerful curse. That makes the wood, the towns, and the wildlife of it turn into something unusual and hostile. The dwellers of the Weald are not an exception too, of course. As far as we understood, Daedra is to blame but it's yet to be determined which type of Daedra that is. Because at the first glance it seems that it's something we haven't encountered before.

The West Weald-dedicated page of one of the Elder Scrolls' wikis says that the area is known for its huge and formidable bears that can be found there in abundance. If that's the case, we hate to imagine what a huge formidable bear can turn into after being subjected to a powerful Daedra curse... It looks like forest strolls in the area won't be all those pleasant after all!

4. New Trial – Lucent Citadel's mysteries

Each new chapter brings us a new trial and the Gold Road sticks to that tradition. Lucent Citadel is the confirmed name of its trial but it's not known what its theme is going to be, let alone the story around it and its main villains. However, keeping in mind all the things we've mentioned before in this blog post, we'll dare to make an educated guess, so to speak. The Citadel will likely be the home of some beings (Daedra, perhaps?) who are responsible for the curse that West Weald has received. Locating and eliminating those beings will help us cleanse the woods of the state but not completely... Since there should remain some room for further content of the chapter, right?

As soon as something becomes known about the citadel, we'll make sure to let you know with a dedicated blog article!

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Regardless of how tough the Gold Road's challenges will be, there'll be nothing in the game you won't be able to deal with! Especially if you do business with us because our experiences pro team isn't afraid of anything and anyone!

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