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How to level up Legerdemain in Elder Scrolls Online fast?

Elder Scrolls Online, just like any other TES game, is full of various skill lines, all of which can make your character stronger in some way. Legerdemain is not an exception and in this guide we'll tell you all you need to know about what it is, what skills you can get by leveling it up, and how to level it up best.

What is Legerdemain in Elder Scrolls Online?

Legerdemain in ESO in a world skill tree focused on stealing various goods. The word itself is definitely a mouthful and you won't hear it said too often in real life – what it means is "a deceitful trick". And it's exactly what it is about in Elder Scrolls Online.

You unlock this skill line whenever you steal an item, pickpocket an NPC, or pick a lock for the first time with the character. By leveling it up you'll become sneakier and more successful at doing various illegal activities. That noticeably raises your chances of finding valuable items inside treasure chests and other locked containers.

What skills does Legerdemain have?

The Legerdemain skill line has as many as 20 ranks. There are just as many skills that you can get with it – but note that all of them are passive. Let's see which rank offers which skills:

1Improved Hiding I
Sneak consumes 10% less Stamina
2Light Fingers I
+10% chance of successful pickpockeing
3Trafficker I
Raises the daily limit of fencing to 110 (by 120%)
5Locksmith I+10% chance to force a lock
  • Kickback I
  • Improved Hiding II
  • -10% bounty price
  • Sneak consumes 20% less Stamina
7Light Fingers II+20% chance of successful pickpockeing
8Trafficker IIRaises the daily limit of fencing to 120 (by 140%)
9Locksmith II+25% chance to force a lock
10Kickback II-20% bounty price
11Improved Hiding IIISneak consumes 30% less Stamina
12Light Fingers III+35% chance of successful pickpockeing
13Trafficker IIIRaises the daily limit of fencing to 130 (by 160%)
14Locksmith III+45% chance to force a lock
15Kickback III-30% bounty price
16Improved Hiding IVSneak consumes 40% less Stamina
17Light Fingers IV+50% chance of successful pickpockeing
18Trafficker IVRaises the daily limit of fencing to 140 (by 180%)
19Locksmith IV+70% chance to force a lock
20Kickback IV-40% bounty price
 As you can see, the skill line mainly focuses on 4 things:

  1. Spending less Stamina on sneaking (Improved Hiding)
  2. Stealing goods from NPCs more successfully (Light Fingers)
  3. Opening locked chests more successfully (Locksmith)
  4. Selling / laundering more stolen items (Trafficker)
  5. Lowering the price of the bounty you have to pay (Kickback)
Spending less Stamina on sneaking is actually a really great improvement for classes that rely on doing things stealthily. Better pickpocketing and chest unlocking is perfect for additional loot (and chests often have something really valuable inside). Being able to sell more stolen goods is a lovely way to increase your income, while reducing bounty prices helps you spend less.

So it's quite a lot of advantages. They might not be as impressive as those from guild skill lines, for example, but it's still good to reach a high rank in it to not miss out on its benefits.

ESO Gold deliveries

While Legerdemain activities is a good source of income, you can top up your character's balance much faster with the help of our ESO Gold delivery service! Request any amount you'd love and it will arrive to you in no time!

How to level up Legerdemain fast in ESO?

First of all, how do you level it up in the first place? Doing all those sneaky things, of course: pickpocketing, forcing locks on chests, stealing goods and selling or landering them. To level up this skill line fast, however, you'll need to rely on the last method: selling or laundering. It's also known as fencing.


A fence is a person buying stolen things. If you steal something, you can't just sell it to a regular vendor right away. You gotta take it to a special fence who'll buy it from you. Or there's another option: if you want to use a stolen thing somehow, you need to launder it – that is, to make it not look stolen. That's what fences do too.

Selling and laundering lots of stolen items fast is the key to leveling up Ledergemain quickly. The only problem with that is that there's a daily limit on how many items you can fence. By default it's as few as 50. To raise the available daily amount of fenceable items, you need to rank up the Trafficker skill: you first get such an opportunity at level 3 of the skill line. And it takes your limit up to 110 right away and it goes further up from there with higher ranks – all the way to 140.

All right, the objective is clear: steal and sell / launder at least 50 items within one day. But where can you steal that many things and fence them nearby? That's where you need special routes.

In this video by Dreamer in a Dream the fencing interface is shown closer to the end of it:

Power Leveling boost in ESO

Legerdemain is a fun skill line but leveling it up is usually easier when your character has already reached the maximum level. If yours still hasn't, consider our ESO Power Leveling boost! It will help you hit 50 lvl much sooner and you won't have to spend your time on it!

Special routes

Players have determined several special routes that you should take to reach your daily goal fastest. We strongly recommend setting certain character skills before starting a route like that:

1Cutpurse's Art
Increase the chance of getting higher-quality loot when pickpocketing
2Friends in Low Places
Remove 1'000 Gold from your bounty once per day when comitting a crime where bounty is added
3Gilded Fingers
Increase your Gold gained up to 10%
4InfamousIncrease the value of fenced ites by 25%
5ShadowstrikeWhen you kill an enemy with the Blade of Woe, you become invisible for 5 sec. after a short delay while distracting nearby enemies or potential witnesses. While under this effect you can cast the Blade of Woe
They will make your daily Stealing run easier and more profitable.

Now to the special fencing routes. What makes a good route in this case are 3 things:

  1. Lots of things to steal
  2. Few NPCs that can notice that
  3. A hideout with a fence nearby
And actually such places are not very rare and it's highly likely that you'll be able to find a place like that not mentioned here. However, over time the game's community has come to the conclusion that these spots are the best for daily fencing grind if you want to level up your Legerdemain skill line fast:

1Belkarth, CraglornIt has an apple garden on the East bank of the river. The area is full of containers packed with apples for you to steal. You can stack up to 200 apples. There are just 1 guard & 1 farmer wandering in the area. Right across the river there's a hideout.
2Khenarthi's RoostIn the center of the island you'll find several pastures full of sheep. Slaughter the sheep to loot Guts & Game – they are deemed stolen items and are easy to stack. Watch out for several farmers patrolling the area. The hideout is also nearby.
3Castle Tonnere, GalenThe castle's kitchen is full of various goods & utensils you can easily steal. The only danger is few cooks walking from one room to another. A hideout is also around the corner.
4Inn & Emissary's Enclave corridor, NecromThose 2 locations are not far away from each other and each has loads of goods to steal without many witnesses. The corridor doesn't have any NPCs whatsoever so stealing there will be the easiest thing to do. A hideout is also nearby inside the city.
The first 2 spots are available for any player without ESO Plus or purchased DLCs – that's why they are mentioned more often than any other locations. The latter 2 spots are available to premium players only so keep that in mind when planning your daily fencing routine.

Here's a video showing several of those routes (by Wings of Oblivion):

On average it takes no more than 10 minutes per day to reach the fencing limit. Unfortunately, there's no way to overcome it and speedrun the skill line within, say, just 1 day. But you really don't have to. It'll take you about a couple of weeks to reach the max rank in the skill line and you'll keep getting new passives and their ranks almost daily.

* * *

We hope we've given answers to all the questions you've had regarding Legerdemain. If some of them have been left unanswered, don't hesitate to contact us and ask them! Or if you need any help with leveling up Legerdemain or any other skill tree in the game – check out our ESO services catalog to see what we can do for you or just message us to request a particular boost!

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