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Battlegrounds boosts in WoW on ArmadaBoost

If you're looking to become a PvP champion in World of Warcraft, then RBG Boosting is the perfect way to do that. In this guide, we will take you through how these boost works and what makes ArmadaBoost the best choice for your boosting needs.

How does WOW RBG boost work?

What RBG Boosting basically is, is playing rated battlegrounds with an experienced team that will carry you to victory. And not just to one – to as many as it takes to achieve the results that you need. Our team is made up of skilled boosters who know the game inside and out. And they will stay with you until the order is done – not as long as they feel like, like PUGs or guildies. As for the results you can expect, you can buy rated BGs carries for different ratings: from 1400 all the way to 2400, with the latter being the most challenging to achieve.

There are several types of ranked battlegrounds boosts that you can get in our shop including the top popular ones which are:

  • Honor farm boost
  • Rating carries
  • Wins carries

How does the Battlegrounds Ranks system work in WoW?

The Battleground Ranks system in WoW is Blizzard’s take on how to measure players’ success in this team-based PvP action. Naturally, you earn rating points together with your squad. When you defeat another team, you get an increase in your ranking points. When you lose, you don’t! As simple as that. Obviously, there are lots of various circumstances that affect the exact amount of points that you get for winning. One important factor is the difference in the rankings of your team and the opposing one.

In many ways this rating system is similar to that of the arena. So if you’ve had some experience with it, you might not learn anything new here. The system is quite straightforward and intuitive, resembling the ladder concept of many other competitive PvP games.

What RBG achievements and titles are the most sought-after?

The achievements are many for ranked BGs in WoW and most of them are hardly of interest to us here since they are sorta run-of-the-mill ones. However, there are few RBG-related achievements that are really cool and award you with various stuff like titles. The battleground titles resemble those from the Classic days of World of Warcraft with all those marshalls and stone guards, and whatnot. The most sought-after title in this regard is the Hero of the Alliance / Horde, which is given to the top 0.5% (half-percent) of players of the region's ladder at the end of each PvP season.

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